Franchise Manuals
What it is
The transfer of the franchisor’s know-how in running the firm to the franchisee who will operate the unit is what defines franchising.
The franchise manuals serve as a formalization of this transmission of knowledge. These documents must be “active,” that is, updated and containing step-by-step instructions for conducting business when the contract is signed.
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How We Do It
The process of developing franchise manuals entails a strategic reimagining of the firm and its know-how for the network, rather than simply explaining the model company’s processes for copying the franchised units.
The process handling step is part of the strategic exercise of (re)thinking the company’s know-how, that is, the DNA to be copied, its differentials, and the roles of each professional involved in the business, when part of the BITTENCOURT Group’s franchise formatting process.
This is prior work with a view to replicating the business model and this may mean some adjustments. The process takes into account a few steps:
- Immersion in existing operations
- Process mapping
- Process design
- Structuring processes in manuals in a didactic manner
- Diagramming and delivery
The preparation of franchise manuals requires a skilled team specialized in mapping and designing operational processes.
Manuals are often issued to franchisees for use during the length of the franchise agreement and contain the franchisor’s intellectual property. They must convey the company’s philosophy, values, brand policies and procedures, administrative procedures, marketing procedures, team management, and so on. In other words, how to copy the franchisor’s business model and brand concept effectively.
The franchise manual contains information about the business plan that the franchisee will follow. It solidifies the franchise relationship and, if well-structured, ensures that the franchisee is not confronted with surprises in the operation that he or she is unprepared to handle. This is because, among other things, he serves as the network’s primary source of research and training for franchisees.
It will allow the franchisee, after initial training, to continue operating within the network standards over time.
Some networks’ success or failure is tied to how they research and arrange their businesses before deciding to expand through franchising. The manuals created by the BITTENCOURT Group depict the routine operations of the business without jeopardizing the business’s core concept or brand image.
They’re practical resources with meaningful content, well-thought-out flows, and objective language. As a result, it becomes a reliable source of information because the reading is enjoyable and well-structured.